Joint Membership
We allow couples to share a joint subscription.
Providing you are happy to share a single Chirpy login, profile, and Chirpy Messages inbox, then you can join as a couple and pay one subscription. You will both be able to attend Chirpy CatchUps and access all the other Chirpy features under one shared username.
Here are some things to consider when thinking about a Joint Membership:
1. Signup to one membership between the two of you.
This means that you both share a membership, your username in Chirpy are your joint names ie Brian and Suzy, one email address, and you need to tell the Host if both of you will be attending a CatchUp.
Either of you can attend a CatchUp on your own, in those situations you will RSVP as one attendance as normal.
However, you can only claim Chirpy Coins for one attendance at a CatchUp, even if both of you attend.
And if there is an event which has a limited availability, such as a show or limited seating, only one of you can go.
2. Sign up for 2 subscriptions to Chirpy.
Each of you will be as a separate member of Chirpy using 2 different email addresses, overcoming the issues above.