Create a CatchUp
Please note: Only hosts and CoHosts can create CatchUps
To create a CatchUp, navigate to your Group page, either via My Chirpy or Group Search function.
Click the CREATE CATCHUP button, underneath the CatchUp section
You can then either Choose a Template, or you will need to complete the following fields:
- CatchUp Title - Short description and the name of the venue
- CatchUp Type - will default to CatchUp, the other option is Virtual Catchup
- Venue address
- Host - will default to the host posting the CatchUp
- URL/Website link optional
- Date of CatchUp
- Start Time
- Finish Time
Choose how you would like to manage RSVPs, either Automatically or Manually approved.
Eg. Automatically, members receive instant confirmation. Manual, members RSVP would go on a waitlist for the Host or Cohost to accept or decline. We would suggest to use the latter option only when you have a maximum number limit at your event.
- Shared with other Groups - Choose surrounding groups to share your Catchup. (optional) Please check with the Host of the group you are looking to share with first.
- Coins - leave as default
- Description - You can add to the description any additional information you'd like your members to know about the event.
- Once you've finished adding all your CatchUp details, click the 'Create' button at the bottom (you may need to scroll down for this).
- You will then see the below screen. Click the APPROVE button to make the CatchUp live on your page.
Once approved, members will be able to view the CatchUps on your Group page
*Note: To identify the differences between a standalone and shared CatchUps, a blue circle appears around a Shared Catchup as per below.
If you have any further questions about how to list a CatchUp or about groups then please don't hesitate to contact us -